Agentforce Community Tour Makes History in Albania!
Nurture – Një Nismë e Re për Fuqizimin e të Rinjve dhe OJF-ve në Shqipëri
NURTURE – National support points launched to empower youth and strengthen NGOs across the region
Youth@Work European Year of Skills Closing Forum in Antalya, Türkiye
LEAPin Albania 2024: A Day of Inspiration, Innovation, and Leadership
Thirrje për të rinjtë – Këshillim të Karrierës dhe Praktika në OJF-të në Shqipëri!
Thirrje për Aplikime: Nurture – OJF/OJQ në Shqipëri!
LDA Europe President Marilo Meta Spotlighted by Pledge 1% for Outstanding Social Impact
Portugal Dreamin’ in Lisbon: Inspiration and Learning
Green IT Mobility Training Course, in Tuscany, Italy!
Architect Dreamin’ in Berlin: Two Days of Inspiration and Learning
PsycReality and LDA Europe Sign MoU to Empower Youth in the Balkans with Mental Health Support
CzechDreamin 2024: Insights on Salesforce Account Engagement
LDA Europe Team Embraces Sustainability with GreenComp Framework Training in Brussels
Celebrating a Successful Albania Dreamin’ 2024 at LDA Europe
Empowering Future Leaders: Mr. Meta & Mr. Benhadda Lead Salesforce and CRM Lecture at University of New York Tirana!
LIVE on Klan Kosova TV with Marilo, sharing insights about Albania Dreamin’ 2024
LEAPin Albania 2023
University of Primorska Welcomes Mr. Marilo Meta
Website Support & Design for the DREAMin Albania Community Conference 2024!
LDA Europe participated in the 21st International Youth Conference in Krusevo, Macedonia ??!
LDA Europe opens a competition for the admission of new members in Albania!
LDA Europe at the UN General Assembly High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage!
Empowering Innovation: LDA Europe Takes Mentorship Lead at Balkathon 4.0!
Instituti për Studime Globale Evropiane mirëpret z. Gentjan Skara
#OpenGov Updates from Tirana OGP Local!
Introducing LDA Europe: Inspiring Global Youth for Constructive Engagement
Albanian Dreamin’ 2023: 20 folës ndërkombëtarë nga 15 shtete takohen në Tiranë për një ngjarje unike zhvillimi profesional, më datë 29 prill
Salesforce Excellence by LDA Digital Solutions